however, even in small concentrations, have an adverse effect on the human body. But particularly dangerous heavy metals - cadmium, copper, arsenic, tin, mercury, lead, chromium and zinc. These effects of metal ions are water-soluble. And the body by inhibiting the enzyme, which leads to severe neurological damage. For example, lead poisoning promote the development of mental retardation and mercury poisoning are typical consequences of mental abnormalities and birth defects. It is unprecedented that converts standard mineral amazing-drugs Get More Info water healing. As happens in the physical and chemical processes? We said that SHUNGIT stones in homeopathic doses, the water comes from carbon fullerenes dissolved in it. Thus, nature itself creates the fullerene solution. This process continued for several hundred years. SHUNGIT water and the interaction results in the formation of mineral water solution with unique features, which represents the finished product the nature of the drug itself, without chemical additives and without human. The incredible
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Programa educativo del Museu de Lleida 2023 - 2024

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Del 1 de octubre al 31 de mayo
De martes a sábados: de 10h a 14h y de 16h a 18h
Domingos y festivos: de 10h a 14h


Del 1 de junio al 30 de septiembre
De martes a sábados: de 10h a 14h y de 17h a 19h
Domingos y festivos: de 10h a 14h

Cerrado todos los lunes (excepto festivos), 25 y 26 de diciembre, 1 y 6 de enero, y Lunes de Pascua.

El acceso al museo se cerrará 15 minutos antes de la hora de cierre

Acceso con animales: no se puede entrar en el museo con animales, excepto perros guía